
Dannie An
Sep 2, 2021

Propelling inner desire

Run through the veins,

Being up tune intensely,

Force push through igniting

With burning passion to do

Everything on the pitfall,

In the whip of a wave

The drive slips away,

Worst comes to worst dullness

Consequently tramples

It’s like climbing a mountain

Stumbling is exhausted,

Getting up is a chance and a choice,

It is not how many times to fall

It’s all about discipline,

Motivation cannot only be seen

In a high phase but it is entirely

The essence in the low

Overcoming things is continuing

Even in the vantage point of adversity.

Discipline is doing things

Despite of not being up beat,

Consistency, resiliency, and

A heart that abides follows through.

— Dannie An

